Jada Pinkett Smith Reveals Her Soulmate Was Tupac Shakur

Jada Pinkett Smith Reveals Her Soulmate Was Tupac Shakur

In a recent interview, actress and talk show host Jada Pinkett Smith acknowledged her deep bond with the late rapper Tupac Shakur as “soulmates” who more than likely inhabited past lives together. This revelation came after the controversies surrounding her new memoir, in which she revealed intimate details about her marriage to actor Will Smith. … Read more

Hollywood Standoff: SAG-AFTRA Negotiations Halted Amid Streaming Revenue Dispute


In a surprise, talks between SAG-AFTRA and the major studios and streamers have suddenly collapsed, with the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers (AMPTP) announcing it is “suspending” discussions. The talks that lasted for under two weeks have hit a roadblock and stopped mostly because of the tremendous difference in how the revenue sharing … Read more

Martin Scorsese On Robert De Niro: He’s The Only One Left Alive Who Knows Where I Come From

Martin Scorsese On Robert

They were 16 when they first met and are now 80. Six decades and more later, Martin Scorsese says Robert De Niro, actor, long-time collaborator and friend, is probably the only one alive who knows where he comes from. The filmmaker, considered amongst Hollywood’s greatest ever, was born in Queens, New York, not far from … Read more