Amber Khan Became Victim Of Black Magic

Amber Khan: There really is black magic. A lot of people around the world have been through it. Yes, there are times when people really feel like they are being attacked, but there have also been times when people of all faiths have had bad things happen to them because of black magic. There are people who really believe it and people who think it’s all a lie.

The actress Amber Khan is well-known, and she is very honest about what she has been through. Amber Khan has a successful career as an actor, on YouTube, and in her own business. She was a guest on Madiha Naqvi’s morning show and talked about what seemed to be black magic.

Amber Khan Became Victim Of Black Magic

Amber said that a woman once asked for her when she wasn’t in her shop. It looked like she was Amber’s friend, so she wrote Amber a note and gave it to her boss. Amber thought the note was evil when she saw it. Then she asked a religious person she knew for help, and they told her to read lines from the Quran when she was by herself in the salon.

Amber Khan Became Victim Of Black Magic

Amber did that and though they kept experiencing minor symptoms, mostly they were saved. Here is what she shared:

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