Palace criticised for ignoring Princess Anne

Buckingham Palace’s communications team has been criticized for “ignoring” Princess Royal who has carried out multiple engagements during the last two weeks.

Royal observers have noticed that the official social media pages of the British Royal Family have failed to give her work proper coverage.

The Royal Family’s Twitter and Instagram accounts regularly share pictures and videos of senior royals performing their duties.

Even Prince William and Kate Middleton’s pictures and videos are shared on the pages despite the fact that the couple has their own account, The Prince and Princess of Wales, with millions of followers.

Palace criticised for ignoring Princess Anne

The last time Princess Royal, King Charles’s sister and the only daughter of Queen Elizabeth, appeared on the Royal Family’s Instagram account was on October 2 when she  “joined the re-dedication of the Southport War Memorial, which will be 100 years old this November.”

Palace criticised for ignoring Princess Anne

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