Prince George’s Future: Boarding School Decision Sparks Debate in Royal Family

Prince William and Kate Middleton’s son Prince George would follow in the footsteps of his father as his mother has given in to the Prince of Wales’ decision to send the future king to a boarding school, reported

Citing sources, the publication reported that George would be heading off to boarding school in a few years..

It said the royal couple seen touring the school’s Windsor headquarters with their son in June.

The report said that Kate Middleton dreaded the prospect of her son being off to boarding school but she has now given in to her husband’s plan.

“Kate long disagreed with her husband about sending him away, even though it’s tradition,” the publication quoted an insider as saying.

The source said,”Kate thinks sending him to such a stuffy, upper-crust institution goes against all of their efforts to modernise the monarchy.”

It added, “She’ll miss George desperately. She and William argued about it for years, but he has finally won.”

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