Prince Harry’s Discomfort: Netflix’s Bold Move to Rewrite Camilla’s Image

The decision to rewrite Prince Harry’s reality on such a massive scale has caught experts by surprise.

Royal commentator Daniela Elser made these admissions.

She weighed in on everything in one of her pieces for

The converastion began once Ms Elser started to reference claims made by a source close to Ward.

This insider in question claims the “last five or six episodes bring you right up to the present day.” So “you’re actually watching this rehabilitated Queen Camilla figure.”

In the eyes of Ms Elser, “this particular storyline would have to surely grate on Harry, at the very least, given he has not exactlyf held back in telling the world what he really thinks of his stepmother.”

For those unversed, Prince Harry once said, “Camilla had “sacrificed me on her personal PR altar.”

Despite Prince Harry’s rather vocal revelations about Queen Camilla, Ms Elser claims, “the depiction of Camilla that Netflix sounds like it’s about to put forth is one that seems like it will be nothing short of a triumphal narrative arc for the 76-year-old.”

So “How must it feel for Harry to know that perhaps the biggest mass rewriting and revamping of his ‘dangerous’ stepmother’s image is about to be undertaken by the very same company that Harry and wife Meghan, the Duchess of Sussex work for (at least sometimes) too?” she added before signing off from the conversation.

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